Tzu Chi University Computer Center

Tzu Chi University Computer Center

For New Users

Verify your account first

You need to verify that your GMS account ID and password work for you. It is important because they will be used for many classes in the Moodle system.

You also need to verify that a user ID and password for your use in administrative matters works.The password is different from the GMS system’s, and they won’t be synced automatically at any time. It is not advisable that you have these passwords set to the same value.

How to quickly can I obtain the latest university announcements?

The latest announcements and campus news will be posted on the following website for you, and it will also sent to your e-mail account in the university’s email system:

Where can I access WiFi on my device while on campus?

You may connect to WiFi on your mobile device almost anywhere throughout the campus. The University is a member of “TANet WiFi Roaming Exchange Center,” which allows our users access to the WiFi networks of many other colleges in Taiwan to do cross school roaming using the dedicated ID and password assigned by the University.

How will I know about activities and events on campus?

Most activities and events are announced on the “Sign up” subpage of the administration website.

Do I have access to devices in the computer room?

There are three computer rooms open to students and faculty members, when they are not used for classes.